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Customize Your AnchorCard Buttons

Customizing your AnchorCard is a fun and easy way to personalize the experience for anyone who views your AnchorCard Digital Business Card. Custom buttons are a great way to help direct your customers to take the most important action or share a special promotion.

To update your AnchorCard buttons read the directions below or watch this video:

To update your AnchorCard buttons links go to or in your dashboard click “Services” then “AnchorCard” from the menu, then visit the “Manage Buttons” tab at the top.

Default Buttons #

Enable Column: First, you'll notice the section where you can edit your Default buttons. You can turn a button on by checking the box under the enable column or turn a button off by unchecking that box.

Type Column: This column shows you what page your button leads to on your AnchorCard.

Label Column: You can change the label of your button by typing in the fields in the “Label” colum.

You can also rearrange your buttons by clicking on the pink number on the left and dragging your preferred location.

Custom Buttons #

To add a custom button, scroll halfway down on the page to the custom buttons section. Click the “Add Custom Button.” This opens up a new custom button field where you can type a label and add a website link to your button.

To remove a custom button, hover over the button link field. On the right and + and – sign will appear. Click the minus sign to remove your custom button permanently.

To publish your changes to your AnchorCard, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Update” button.

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