Facebook is an incredible tool for your business so today I'm going to show you how to add your AnchorCard link to your personal profile, group, and business page via your computer. Please note that these instructions are similar but may vary if you use the Facebook app or a phone web browser.
Personal Profile #
First, go to Facebook.com and navigate to your personal profile. Once you've reached your personal profile click the “About” tab at the top. On the right, hover over the section with your phone number, email address, and birthday to make an “edit” button appear. Click the edit button.
Now, scroll down to the websites and social links section. Add your AnchorCard link as a website. Click save changes.
Business Page #
In the search bar at the top of Facebook.com search for your Page and click on it to open your page. Once you've reached your Page look on the right side for the section that says “About” – you might need to scroll down a bit to find it. Click “See All.”
Once you've arrive on the next page after clicking “See All” look for the section that says “+ Enter Website” and click that. Be sure to uncheck the box that says “My Page Doesn't Have a Website.” Add your AnchorCard link as a website. Click Save.
Group #
In the search bar at the top of Facebook.com search for your Group and click on it to open your group. Once you've reached your Group, look on the right side for the section that says “Description” – you might need to scroll down a bit to find it. Click “Edit.”
Then, add your AnchorCard link in your description wherever feels appropriate to you. Click Save.